The Problem Wasn’t My Craft. It Was Not Knowing How to Run My Fashion Business!

My fashion business

When I started working on my own as a fashion stylist, I’m not going to lie, I felt frazzled. I love what I do, but I had to work SO MANY HOURS to generate the income I desired. Sometimes I didn’t get to achieve my monthly goal.

I was always looking for the next event or project (even as I was working with clients) because who knew? Maybe it could take me a couple of days or weeks to find the next customer or organization that would hire me, so I could pay my bills and keep working on my own.

I hated not being able to have a schedule because I depended on people’s plans and agendas. I didn’t appreciate not knowing how much I could make per month because it would keep me feeling anxious about my bills. I was constantly waiting for opportunities to come to me and I felt powerless. I also had to take on too many projects to make ends meet.

I needed a change and I said to myself, “I have to work harder.” 

Harder at finding jobs, building relationships, pitching myself, and taking on more projects.

And I did…

I ended up feeling burnout, taking any and every project, struggling with my finances and no stability at all…

I said to myself, “Let’s try something different. This is not working.”

I knew I loved styling, but I needed more income, stability and time freedom and styling alone wasn’t giving me that (or at least in the way I was running my styling business).

I had always been interested in learning more about business, especially online business. I was always reading about Passive Income, printables (downloadable PDFs) and online classes. I’ve also loved teaching and writing all of my life. I gave myself permission to explore that.

I committed to learning more about these topics that interested me while growing my fashion styling business.

One action I took was I enrolled in Passive Income Planner Girl, an online class with Michelle Rohr and Aimee Johanan that teaches you how to build a planner business. That allowed me to learn how to design and sell printables and digital planners, and to open my Etsy store. Because I work in the fashion industry, I started creating printables and planners that would help my audience. I started creating products that will help them with personal styling and building a successful fashion business, which has been amazing. I even became an affiliate for this course because it’s SO GOOD! (Here is more info in case you are interested too!).


Everything was going well (especially the printables + planner addition), but I was still trying to do too much on my own. I felt overwhelmed trying to figure out everything by myself. I was learning more about business, which was helping my styling business, but I needed support.

I tried to find help in the fashion industry, but I found little to none. Everywhere I went the focus was on learning how to practice and excel in your craft (design, style, hair, makeup, etc), but no one really focused on how to run the business side.

The problem wasn’t that I didn’t know how to style. It was that I didn’t know how to run my styling business.


Once again, I felt exhausted. I was working like a maniac. I was trying to learn everything on my own.

The result? Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough support.

I finally realized, “If I get crystal clear about my goals, build a solid foundation, take action consistently, automate a lot of the processes and get support, I can do this!” 🙌 .

Basically, I needed a plan, commitment and HELP to make it happen.

After making that decision, my focus changed. My everyday actions changed. My life changed. 

Because of that, I’m now able to teach fashion entrepreneur classes online on different platforms and inside our online program; I’m growing our online community the Fashion Entrepreneur Club; I’m also growing my fashion printable business (thanks to Passive Income Planner Girl!); I work on styling projects I love; And style people online all over the world.

Because I got clear about what I wanted, I put a plan in place and I got support, I was able to create a business that complements my life 💕 


I can work online and in person. I have the freedom to choose what projects I want to work on. I can create opportunities for myself all the time. I can help more people no matter where they are.

I’m on this journey and I’m committed to making it bigger, brighter and better every day. I’m also committed to sharing it with you because I wish I had a guide then. I wish someone would have talked to me about the business side of things. I wish I had someone or somewhere I could ask questions.

And I’m not saying I have all the answers. I’m just saying I’ve created a place where you can ask the questions, have the conversations, and get the tools to build the business you desire.

You are always welcome inside our free Facebook group, the Fashion Entrepreneur Club Hangout. In there, you will have access to inspiration, support and knowledge to move forward in this fashion entrepreneur journey. And now, we are currently focusing more and more on building a successful ONLINE fashion business because the Internet is here to stay and grow every day and I think developing an online side of the business will bring the freedom, abundance, and impact you desire!

If you want more support and guidance, I encourage to check out our program The Fashion Business Online Incubator where you get coached online by me for 10 weeks via email to take your fashion or beauty business to the next level. I’ll help you get clear about your brand and put together a plan, so you can market it successfully. We’ll work on important tasks week after week to have an organized, effective, and profitable approach to business [Use code FEC65SMB for a limited time to pay $165 instead of $250 here 💕].

My path doesn’t have to be your path. You get to decide what YOU want to build. You pick what you want to work on. I’m just here to support ya if you want!

Want to join our free Facebook community?

Join the Fashion Entrepreneur Club Hangout Facebook group here >>>

Want to join our online program?

Learn more about the Fashion Business Online Incubator program here >>>

Also, we have incredible tools available for you if you want to get organized and focused right away on Etsy! Some of our customer’s favorites include The 20-Minute Business Plan Template and the Quarterly Goal Planner for your fashion business.

We also have an online class, Monetize Online, to help you create Digital Products for your fashion or beauty business. To learn more, you can click here.

You can make it happen. We all can!

I hope this inspired you in some way 🙂

Much success and love to you 💗


See you inside!

Fashion Entrepreneur Club Facebook group



About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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