Interview with Fabiola Perez, Fabi’s Choice


This week we have a special edition of Chic Thursdays with guest Fabiola Perez, best known as Fabi’s Choice.

Fabiola is a woman like you and me with challenges, goals and dreams. A few years ago her health was extremely affected by stress. She had to visit doctors, go through treatments and take medication. She noticed that nothing was working, so she decided to change her path and try a natural approach where she experienced an amazing transformation.

Today Fabiola has her own website and blog where she talks about health, nutrition, exercising and motivation.

In this episode, she will share her experience with us and give us some tips to improve our own.

The interview is in Spanish, but you can read the transcript in English below. 

I hope you like it!


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Interview in English:

1. On your website, you mention that “being healthy, beautiful and happy is a choice.” In Gitana Styling, our mission is to “have style, feel happy and be empowered.” We both talk about beauty, happiness and conviction. What role does health play into this equation?

Our health is extremely important. Our bodies are the vehicle to our spiritual beings to express ourselves and show our emotions. If we don’t feel well, the stress is overwhelming, our body systems are affected and don’t work properly, we are not going to be okay. This may result  in overweight, low self esteem, depression, which won’t allow us to show our beauty or happiness. We are a reflection of how we feel.

2. Let’s talk about your amazing transformation. You lost 50 pounds in 9 months. How can we accomplish such a radical change?

First you have to make a decision. Have the willpower to be committed. For this you need to be very organized. Throughout my life, my number one priority were my kids. I did everything for them and I wasn’t responsible with myself. That didn’t allow me to listen to the messages my body sent me where it was saying it wasn’t feeling well. The fact that I wanted to be a perfect mom didn’t let me focus on myself. I gained weight, felt pain all over my body and was involved in situations that didn’t make me feel well. One day I said to myself, this has to stop. My kids need a healthy mom that is active and that can be an example to follow. It’s not only about helping them and doing everything for them. It’s about taking care of myself and be an example to follow, so they can accomplish their own things and take care of themselves. That’s when I decided to look for help in the areas of nutrition and exercise – I had never worked out before. I also changed my diet. My focus was to have a diet with all the nutrients my body needed to have a better quality of life. I started to run and found out that it was a similar experience to life. You think it’s hard, there are obstacles and you doubt that you can do it. As you run more and more, you advance, you grow and you know you can with discipline and organization while enjoying what you are doing and being flexible.

3. Once we achieve our goals, how do we maintain ourselves?

One must see life like a game. Life moves and changes all the time. Once you arrive to your goal it doesn’t stop there. You always need to have a goal, a challenge and a positive attitude. I always have daily and weekly goals. Throughout the week I eat well, drink green juices, eat six times a day and work out. I’m committed to my exercise routine, but at the same time I’m flexible. I do what I like such as running, go to the gym, dance or swim. The important thing is that I stay active, so my metabolism stays active. The weekends are more relaxed. On Saturdays I share with my family, everybody does what they please. There is no schedule. I sleep more to rest more. I don’t set the alarm clock to wake up. We (my family) eat breakfast together and we talk. On Sundays, I run. I always like to see Sunday as a much will I run this Sunday? and I prepare myself for it. In terms of food, I am not as strict. I don’t want my family to feel like everything is a regime. If I know we will go out to dinner then I take care of myself during the day and eat with my family wherever and whatever they want to share with them. If you work out, you won’t gain weight. If you eat healthy during the week, you won’t gain weight. The most important thing is knowing that you want a better quality of life and be happy with what you do.

4. When is the best moment to start and how?

The best moment to start is right now. I want to invite you to visit our website where you will find all the steps to start. The most important thing is to have the motivation and to feel good about your choices. On the website we help you connect with yourself as a spiritual being, so you get to know what “you” want to do and what will make “you” happy. When you know and feel good about what you do, you transmit that energy, you become your friend, you are the main character of your life. When you are the main character, you have control and even though sometimes it might not look like everything is okay it is. You know you can write your own destiny. Start now, make the decision, take the step and do it.

5. In Gitana Styling we strongly believe one has to take care of ourselves and that includes many things such as taking care of your hair, your look, your inner peace, etc. What do you do to take care of you personally and emotionally?

I take care of my emotional needs by meditating. I try to meditate almost every day about 20-30 minutes. I try to find my inner piece by thinking about a positive thought, focus my energy and my day around it. That gives me the strength to start my day and head out the door. I also take vitamins, minerals and plants. Even though I eat healthy, the soil doesn’t have the nutrients it used to. All these nutrients I take help my body get stronger and build a wall of protection. I also enjoy taking care of myself with beauty treatments and routines like all women. I use hydrating lotions with vitamins. If they don’t have any I add it to them. At night when I take a shower, I let my skin breathe. I don’t wear any lotions to let my body be free of chemicals for about 10 hours. I hydrate the skin on my face because throughout the day I wear make up and our skin is exposed to contaminants. The thing is to feel good about taking care of ourselves.

6. You mentioned that aside from being responsible and have conviction, one must spoil ourselves. On the weekends, you sleep more, spend time with your family and run as much as you want. How does this benefit you?

It makes me feel fulfilled. When I do activities for myself, I replenish myself. It’s important to dedicate 30 or 60 minutes to yourself every day. If you do it, your energy will improve, your attitude will improve and the people around you will benefit from it. I spoil myself on Sundays, like I mentioned before. I also spoil myself when I meditate. Again, you must see life as a game. You will face obstacles, but you will advance. If you know you can make it, it doesn’t matter. That’s the only way to change things around you and change yourself.

7. Fabi, what’s you mission on planet earth?

I’ve always liked to help people since I was a little girl. I’m an idealist and I would love the world to be perfect. I know perfection doesn’t exist, but we have to work on making everything better. I would love to have a planet with less crime, more tolerance and comprehension. I feel like my mission here is to help people. That’s why I created Fabi’s Choice. If I was able to fight the stress and heal myself, so can you. If I was able to see a ray of light and walk out of that situation, why not share it with people and help them do the same. There may be someone out there going through the same thing. Education is big and I can help by sharing my story and teaching you how to do it. I love what I do and my family supports me, so I’m here to do it.

You can connect with Fabiola here:


Facebook: Fabischoice

Twitter: @fabischoice

Instagram: @fabischoiceoficial

Pinterest: FabisChoice

YouTube: Fabis Choice

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About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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