5 Tips to Run A Successful Fashion Business with Monica Delgado

With so many to-dos, it can be easy to miss the important things that will make a huge difference in our businesses. That’s why we have asked the experts to share their top 5 tips that have helped them run successful fashion businesses. Like us, they’ve all gone through their ups and downs, but somehow have figured out what really moves the needle in their businesses.

Today, Monica Delgado, serial entrepreneur, multiple 6-figure businesses owner, multi-passionate woman and CEO of “Not Only Pants,” will share her tips with us!

Thank you Monica 🙂

Tips Monica Delgado

Check out these 5 tips to run a successful fashion business with Monica Delgado of @notonlypants! Click To Tweet



Our brains are hard-wired to understand stories. It helps us relate, it creates emotion and empathy. Stories create committed buying patterns in our customers. Who is your brand? What does your brand stand for? How are you serving your customers? You need to have a clear idea and understanding of this, so that you can create a story around it. Once you create the story, make sure to share it on your emails, videos, websites, post, packaging, labels, pdfs, etc.



People want to connect, to feel friendship and to feel like they know you and your brand. Share stories and journeys that feel personal, that makes them laugh, cry, that inspires them and transforms their lives. You can do this with behind the scenes, convert testimonials into stories, videos from our founder, Instagram takeovers by your staff, personalized emails.



Ask yourself, how do you want your customers to feel when they interact with your brand?  What kind of experience are you trying to make? Returns are inevitable and are important. They can be used as feedback and as product/service research. Make sure your customer service team has a specific script. If it’s possible to offer your customers to keep the product, share it with a friend and suggest another product for free that would fit their needs, you will find yourself in a win-win situation.



Culture is the most valuable asset and a key component in our business. It shows our values, visions, beliefs, and goals. It is everything we say and do. You can create this with your customers and staff by giving your brand personality or persona – something for your customers to connect and relate to. You can do this by:

  • Creating authentic content, being yourself, and sharing your company values (website, packaging, lead magnet, videos, blogs, post, etc).
  • Branded packaging and inserts: A thank you card with your orders, a yearly Christmas card, free returns, etc.
  • How can you create or add more value to your customers that’s different from your competitors? Go beyond, over-deliver.
  • Great and personalized customer service.



UGC allows our customers to see how other people just like them feel about your brand, how they like your services or products, this helps them relate, creates trust and activates sales. Make sure you are incentivizing your customers to share on social platforms pictures, videos, testimonials, tweets and reuse that content in your advertising and marketing funnels.

About Monica Delgado


Monica is a serial entrepreneur, multiple 6 figure businesses and a multi-passionate woman. She runs and co-owns two successful high-end martial arts academy in NJ and PA. Working with a world-class team improving people’s lives through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Building a healthy, fit and safe lifestyle for all their members.

She is also the founder and CEO of “Not Only Pants” an e-commerce business that is making waves in the world, one pair of comfy leggings at a time. Helping women look, feel and be their best by creating outstanding products that make them feel comfortable just the way they are, no matter their size or age.

Website – www.monicadelgadob.com and www.notonlypants.com

                 Instagram – @monicadelgadob

Facebook – @monicabjj and @notonlypants

          Twitter – @notonlypants

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About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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