What It Takes To Start Running A Nonprofit

*This is a contributed post. This post contains affiliate links.

Not everyone with the skills to run an organization necessarily needs to do it for profit. Whether you’ve already made your money and want to put your skills to something that feels more worthwhile, or you have a cause that truly means a lot to you, starting a nonprofit might be the right move. Here, we’re going to look at what it takes to get one up and running right, not just for the sake of your own success, but for the cause that you’re aiming to champion, as well.

Becoming the leader your cause needs

First of all, it’s not just any nonprofit that you’re starting, it’s a nonprofit with you at the head. That means that you need to be the right person for the job. If you have experience in running and managing an organization before, then that’s certainly a point in your favor. However, there are other nonprofit leadership skills that you should take the time to learn and master, as well. You have to be able to strategically plan in collaboration with others, to stay engaged with a Board, to ensure the smooth delivery of programs and services, and to lead a team of staff and volunteers. If you need to take the time to learn about any one of those skills, then it’s worth doing.

Ensuring that you’re on the right track

Starting a nonprofit comes with a different set of regulations and rules to follow. If you’re starting a 501(c)(3) startup, then you want to make sure that you dot your i’s and cross your t’s appropriately. Working with a nonprofit solutions provider can ensure that you get the knowledge and help to get your nonprofit up and running. This includes things like making sure your organization is suitable for 501(c)(3) certification, getting you tax exemption, and helping you find corporate sponsorships and help with writing grants.

The ability to market well

When you’re marketing products or launching a business online, the aim of your strategy is clear: to demonstrate a need or want in your audience and prove to them that your products and services, in particular, are going to meet those wants and needs. With a nonprofit, the aim is different, so the strategy has to be different. Crafting key messages about the need for your organization, the cause that you’re fighting for, the necessity for people to donate or contribute, and the good they can feel when they do that becomes the new core of your marketing strategy. Marketing plays a key in fundraising as well, so it’s worth working with those who have specific expertise in marketing for fundraisers to get you on the right track.

Just because there is no profit motive to keep ahead of, and the need for constant growth that drives every capitalistic endeavor, does not mean that running a nonprofit is easy. It can prove too much of a challenge for many, so it’s important to keep the tips above in mind.

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About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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