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You want to look and feel your best every day, whether running errands, seeing friends, or going to work. Of these, looking good for work is arguably the most important since you must maintain a professional appearance at the office or when meeting clients.
Although the rules around workplace attire have changed and aren’t as strict as they once were, you should still identify ways to maintain a professional appearance throughout the day no matter how stressed you get. Whether you’re starting a new job or want to refresh your wardrobe, here are some tips to help you look the part.
Pick A Suitable Outfit
Deciding what to wear for your first day at the office is always stressful. Even if you’ve visited the office and think you know how people dress, you second-guess yourself. Maybe it was just a one-off, or perhaps your idea of business attire differs from everyone else’s.
You don’t want to make a bad first impression, so picking a sensible and safe outfit, such as a business blazer, blouse, and pants should suffice. You can dress up or down from there once you get more comfortable with the typical style.
Get Your Hair Just Right
Your hair also dictates how professional you look. Wispy and frazzled locks make it look like you just rolled out of bed, while a professional hairstyle shows you take pride in your appearance. Of course, it’s not always that easy and your hair might have a mind of its own, especially during different conditions.
You can get ahead of this issue by using the right products. Trying the best heat protectant during the summer prevents frizz, while robust hairspray can keep your hair in place even during windy conditions when the temperatures drop.
Plan Your Wardrobe
How often have you woken up and realized you don’t know what to wear to work? It’s the worst way to start a day as you’re already stressed before you get out the door. So what’s the solution? Planning your wardrobe the day before means you can get out of the shower and get dressed, shaving precious time off your morning.
Besides your outfit, you should also get everything else together and ready by the door so you can leave immediately once you’re ready.
Our favorite tool for planning outfits in advance – especially during busy work weeks – it’s our Weekly Wardrobe Planner. Take a few minutes Sunday night to plan your outfits and feel happy, stylish, and empowered all week.

Test Jewelry Before Going to Work
Jewelry is a great way to spice up an outfit, but do you really need to wear it for work? Some pieces, such as modest but elegant necklaces or bracelets are ideal as they don’t seem like you’re trying too hard. However, huge gemstones, noisy bangles, and clattering rings could be considered distracting within the office. While you can dress however you like (within reason) you should also be aware of the potential politicking issues that arise if someone important doesn’t like what you wear.
Get Out Of Your Remote Work Habits
Like many people, you may have spent years rolling out of bed five minutes before you start work. You never bothered to do your hair and happily wore pajamas most days. It was a simpler time, but as more companies encourage their team back to the office (at least in a hybrid model), you may need to think again about your workplace attire.
Refreshing your office outfits could be beneficial, but it’s even worth looking at your work-from-home wardrobe and finding the perfect balance between comfort and professionalism.
Get To Work On Time
There’s a lot to say about office outfits for looking professional but you also need to ensure you get to work on time. If you leave at the last minute, try leaving five minutes earlier. This way, you can avoid any traffic jams or unreliable public transport.
Be More Prepared
You should also strive to be more prepared when you get to work. Coasting through your workday may seem simple, but it can also affect how others view you and how they perceive your professionalism.
You don’t want people to think you’re only putting in half the effort, so it’s always worth being as prepared as possible. This applies to preparing for a meeting by collecting all the information you need and even researching who your clients are so you have some context about their business and role before you meet them.
Looking Professional
It’s always important to look professional while at work even if your company takes a more casual approach to office attire. These tips can help you find the perfect balance and ensure you feel more confident during meetings or when finding ways to improve the company and your professional development.
Want to keep up with your wardrobe needs? Download My Wardrobe Shopping List for free here