How Essential Are Trends to a Fashion Business?

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Starting a business undoubtedly involves being aware of trends and either utilizing these to inform your business or becoming aware of trends, but going against the grain. For those in the fashion industry, there is a sense that being aware of trends is pivotal, but let’s have a look further into what a business in the fashion industry should consider when it comes to the topic of trends.

It Allows You to Capture the Here-and-Now

Whether you are looking to start a business that purely revolves around makeup brands or you want to diversify your services, capturing the concept of the here-and-now will guarantee you are capitalizing on what is occurring right now. While you may be utilizing blush makeup or selling handbags, being able to capture the here-and-now sounds ideal in theory, but the problem is that we end up becoming incredibly short-sighted. 

While you can capture the here-and-now and be “on trend,” you still need to have the ability to predict things that are to come in the future. This becomes an incredibly difficult thing for a business to do in the long run because it is constantly evolving. Within fashion, there is that expectation that you should constantly be looking to the future and using it to inform your presence, but this can result in companies feeling like they are forever chasing their tail, especially when in indirect competition with larger businesses.

Does Following Trends Establish Credibility? 

This completely depends on your audience. A common piece of wisdom for beginner businesses in any industry, not just fashion, is to differentiate themselves. This “going against the grain” can establish a sense of credibility without having to follow trends. If you are selling niche products, you’re not just able to pit yourself against other businesses by offering a very niche service, but you are also being a very savvy business entity because you are eschewing trends in favor of good quality service and products. 

In fashion, there are trends that transcend time. We’re talking about things like little black dresses here, and we must remember that because a trend is relevant now and can spike your sales, if you want to be seen as a leader and build credibility, you also need to remember that trends will pass. It’s important to keep your ear to the ground, but you must also remember that being a leader also helps you to establish trends, and this can give you a far better stance in the market.

Image by Fauzan Mokhtar from Pixabay

Being a Leader in Terms of Spotting Trends

When you get to the point where you need to diversify your business, you have to start looking for trends in the industry before they come up. Businesses need to be seen to be spotting new trends. If you want to be seen as a leader, you will need to start those conversations, so you are not caught out where you don’t know what everybody else is talking about. 

In theory, this can make it seem like if you are not in the conversation, you are going to fall flat, but there are plenty of businesses that have actively stepped away from trends because they’ve had the bravery to stand their ground. You can spot trends from a mile off if you have the foresight, but it doesn’t mean you should be seen to be spotting new trends.

Trends Can Keep a Brand Fresh

There is a lot to talk about the notion of brand consistency, especially when we’re talking about digital marketing, but it can be difficult to keep a brand completely up to date. This is why you need to remember that a brand that is continually evolving is one that will remain valuable, with or without trends. You can stay ahead of the curve very simply by using the platforms that everybody else is using, rather than swapping out all the products for new ones, but brands can drive brand loyalty when they create enough context to shape customer perceptions, and this is where trends can be a valuable solution and provide a meaningful opportunity for brands to reinforce their identity and retain relevance. 

Companies like Apple are at the front of innovation, but this is because it positioned itself as something different in the first place. This is where addressing your ideal audience, no matter how small it may be, can help you to keep your brand fresh without necessarily opting for fashion trends. We have to remember that constantly upgrading our stock is not just financially exhausting, but it can be physically exhausting. Small businesses that are trying to stay ahead of the curve can fail because they’re not able to do so properly.

Does Being Trendy Mean Being Popular? 

Trends can come and go without leaving a lasting impact, and this is critical to remember when you are building up a business. Small businesses can feel that they need to be popular in order to shift products, but trends can be very confusing. If you are constantly following the trends in the hope of being popular, this can leave your audience very confused if they don’t resonate with your brand. Your brand will determine who you are as a business, and while it may seem tempting to take advantage of trends, if you are continually following what is popular, you could run the risk of doing your business a disservice because you can lose your character. 

This is why businesses must focus on generating a solid brand identity in the eyes of their ideal customers. Because trends can be important for businesses, they shouldn’t be used as the latest tactic. Businesses that want to go the distance must recognize that trends will disappear after a while. So many companies make the mistake of thinking that they need to satisfy their bottom line right now, rather than believing that if they invested a bit more time and effort in establishing their brand and looking to the long-term, this will ensure that they can ride out inconsistencies in the market.

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About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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