Digital Products for Your Fashion Business

We are doing many things ONLINE these days. From connecting with people to promoting our businesses, selling our products, and so much more. 

The Internet has brought a whole new dimension to our lives and it seems like it’s here to stay and expand. 

This change has made many businesses switch or add digital products to their business model.

Digital products are information-based products that are delivered digitally.

If you’ve been thinking of adding digital products to your own fashion or beauty business, let’s talk about options!

1 – PDF

PDFs are downloadable documents that you can create to share your expertise. Things like checklists, worksheets, ebooks, and more. 

As a stylist, I’ve created many printables (documents you can print) for my audience. Things like a Closet Inventory, a Weekly Wardrobe Planner, or my favorite, the Style Binder

What document can you create for your audience? How can you help your customer with a PDF?

[If you want to share ideas or ask for feedback, you can always do so inside our private Facebook group for fashionpreneurs the Fashion Entrepreneur Club Hangout!]

2 – Online Classes

Another way you can share your knowledge digitally is through online classes. What can you teach? Is there anything your customers want to learn from you?

Again, as a stylist and business consultant, I’ve been able to create courses for my customers to help them with particular subjects. 

The amazing thing about courses – and all of these digital products – is that you can connect with people all over the world. Thanks to the online world, you can have customers everywhere without having to pay extra. With digital products, you can serve your local, national, and even international audience!

[If you want to dive deeper into creating digital products, you can check our online course Monetize Online. Use code 502021 to get 50% off here]

3 – Virtual Programs

An amazing way to help your customers online is through virtual programs. This can be very extremely helpful to your customer and very profitable for you. 

The online world allows you to serve many people at the same time. You can have as many people in a program as you want. They can all take the program at their own pace if there are different time zones or you can arrange it so everyone meets at the same time. 

With virtual programs you can offer that 1 on 1 attention and provide lots of value. 

Let’s Talk Passive Income

Not all virtual programs have to be live. You can also record lessons in advance and send them via email. If you do so, this can be a source of passive income for you.

PDFs and online courses are sources of passive income because they will make money for you while you sleep, travel, or work with other customers. They can work behind the scenes for you once you set them up. 

You can get very creative about any of these formats. You don’t have to follow a specific technique. You can come up with your own!

More Ideas…

If you want to explore more ideas, I share many more in our free guide 36 Digital Product Ideas for Your Fashion or Beauty Business. You can download it here.

What sounds like the best fit for you? What digital product can you incorporate in your business? Let me know in the comments. I would love to know!

About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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