5 Tips to Run A Successful Fashion Business with Audrey Rockett-Collins

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With so many to-dos, it can be easy to miss the important things that will make a huge difference in our businesses. That’s why we have asked the experts to share their top 5 tips that have helped them run successful fashion businesses. Like us, they’ve all gone through their ups and downs, but somehow have figured out what really moves the needle in their businesses.

Today, Audrey Rockett-Collins, personal stylist and fashion therapist, FIT alumna, toddler mama, and 2x business owner, will share her tips with us!

Thank you Audrey 🙂

Tips Audrey Collins

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Pinpoint who you are aiming to serve and speak to them directly through your marketing. Familiarize yourself with the struggles they experience, so you can offer strategic solutions that really work. When I’m curating a new service, I visualize the ideal client. What’s she going through and how can you improve her situation? Give her a name & bring her to life!



It might sound silly, but being REALLY good at one particular aspect of your industry can be a strength, not a weakness! Becoming the expert in a niche fashion field sets you apart. Plus, other industry pros will know exactly who to refer to when a client approaches them in need of your specialty!


Having people you can lean on when you need to ask fashion biz-related questions is paramount. Brainstorming with other creatives is one of my favorite ways to cultivate new services! I aim to surround myself with other stylists who are all at different stages of their careers, so I that I can get perspective from a diverse group of peers.



Know where your weaknesses are so that you can either further your development in those areas or create a partnership with a colleague in the know. We can’t all be good at EVERYTHING and your audience will appreciate your self-awareness. I still for the life of my can’t style joggers, but my assistant is an athleisure guru!

ProTip: You can use any accreditation management software if your business relies on specific oversight for licenses and permits.



Cliché, I know, but it’s the best advice I have to give. Clients buy services from people they like! Being genuine creates a sense of familiarity and comfort with your target market. Keeping it real and owning who you are is a powerful way to propel your business. (And it almost guarantees satisfaction with those who pursue your offerings! They know who you are and what you’ll deliver.)


Don’t wait to launch until your product/website/service is “perfect”. Put it out there, get feedback, do the work, and tweak along the way. Our industry is ever changing and we should be too! You can learn so much about what’s really resonating with people!

About Audrey


Audrey Rockett-Collins is a personal stylist & fashion therapist who is passionate about helping women reconnect with themselves during times of transition. FIT alumna, toddler mama, and 2x business owner. This Austin, TX native-turned-Pittsburgher spends her time between clients brainstorming about new ways to help more women look and feel their best, every damn day!
Facebook –  Audrey Styles Me
Instagram – @audreystylesme
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About Sandra Mateu

Hi! My name is Sandra Mateu Yotty. I'm a fashion stylist, blogger and fashion entrepreneur consultant. I've worked in the media and fashion industry for more than 10 years. I dress and style men and women for fashion shows, photo shoots, video productions, speaking engagements and everyday life. I also help fashion entrepreneurs grow their businesses through tips, resources, classes and more at the Fashion Entrepreneur Club. Let me know how I can help you!

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